Supervision centres on providing a safe space for participants to reflect on theirs and others work. Reflective practice thrives in a no blame environment where people are encouraged to be brave and curious and only if comfortable, deliberatly disclose their lived experience. Growth centres around asking questions and sharing uncomfortable thoughts without the fear of interrogation. Hobajing Supervisors are members of the ACA College of Supervisors and identify as Aboriginal Australians. See below for an outline of a supervision session or for other supports, click live sessions, offline sessions, training or faq’s.

  • email of introductory information including a questionnaire to provide initial consultation data and consent form
  • one live session on an agreed platform for up to ninety minutes
  • provision of invoice enabling claim of 1.5 supervision hours with Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
  • supervision sessions are not covered by private health care and there is no discount for holders of a current Australian Health Care card
  • payment is required prior to appointment