Group settings can single people out by shaming and blaming or it can expose individuals to activities, synergy and creativity that only the shared experience can bring. We aim for the latter by encouraging respectful sharing and knowing throughout the learning process where participants make available their collective resources to learn and reflect, rather than fingerpoint from possible fear or suspicion.
Workshops can be a means to improve an already established team, increase cohesion of new team members or learn something new, whether about self, the team or the organisation. Where workshops are designed to address particular challenges, our facilitators encourage groups to acknowledge that even though something may not be your fault, you may share in it being your problem.
We hold space for small groups (maximum of eight participants), large groups (nine to thirty participants), delivery of your topic or delivery of established hobajing material. Click one of the links below for more information or for other supports click yarning, supervision or faq’s.